Foods that contain gas can indeed cause discomfort in digestion. After eating foods that contain gas, a person can feel bloated, tired, or become more frequent bowel movements. But not to worry, there are a few tips to reduce these complaints.
In general, gaseous foods are foods that contain lactose, fructose, sorbitol, and fiber. These nutrients and substances are not digested in the small intestine, but are digested by bacteria in the large intestine, resulting in gas that will be released when farting.
The gas produced can be hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane. While the odor comes from compounds containing sulfur.
Types of Foods Containing Gas
Some types of food that can produce excess gas in the digestive tract are:
1. High-fiber foods
High fiber content is generally found in fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Some types of high-fiber foods that can cause gas include broccoli, onions, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, mustard greens, celery, sweet potatoes, beans, mangoes, apples, pears, oranges, and watermelons.
2. Milk and its processed products
Milk and its processed products can cause discomfort in digestion. This is because milk, cheese, cream, and ice cream contain lactose, which is sugar which can increase gas production. This complaint will be more severe if it is felt by people who have lactose intolerance.
3. Whole wheat
Besides containing vitamins and minerals, wheat also contains high fiber and raffinose. This high fiber and raffinose can cause the formation of excess gas in the digestive tract.
Other whole grains, such as barley, quinoa, and flaxseed, can also cause excess gas if consumed too much.
4. Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks are made by incorporating carbon dioxide, so that it produces foam (soda). Soft drinks sold on the market usually also contain sorbitol and fructose which also cause excess gas in the stomach.
5. Artificial sweeteners
Many sugar-free foods on the market that contain artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol and mannitol. The results of the artificial sweetener fermentation in the intestine will produce excess gas which makes the stomach bloated and feels uncomfortable.
6. Fatty food
Fatty foods can slow down digestion, so food lasts longer in the digestive tract. This slow digestion process increases gas production. Fat is not only derived from animal meat, but also fried foods.
Tips for consuming foods that contain gas
Just because these foods contain gas does not mean you should not consume them. Regardless of the gas content, nutrients contained in vegetables, fruits, wheat, and dairy products are important for health.
In addition, everyone's reaction is different. There are those who feel tired or uncomfortable after consuming these foods, but there are also those who feel fine.
Therefore, try to find out what foods make your digestion comfortable and which don't. If digestion immediately feels good or a desire to pass gas continuously, limit consumption in the future.
In addition, eat slowly in small portions but often, reduce the habit of chewing gum, and do not drink from a straw. These things can prevent a lot of air from entering the stomach, so you don't feel bloated.
If necessary, you can take medicines or supplements that can reduce gas production or help with digestion. One drug that can be consumed is an ulcer drug. But before taking drugs to reduce gas in the digestive tract, you need to consult a doctor first.
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